Peaceful Dove
 Photo: Courtesy of Graeme Guy
‘Peaceful Dove’ Geopelia striata Identifying Characteristics: Has greyish upperparts. Has a pinkish chest barring over much of the body. Also a distinctive blue ring around the eye. Has a distinctive undulating almost flopping flight.
Call: Distribution: The Peaceful Dove is found from South East Asia, through New Guinea, and to Australia and islands of the Pacific. It is common over much of Australia, except a large portion of the south-west of the continent.
Habitat: Within this distribution it can turn up in almost any habitat, including the edge of the rainforest, tropical woodlands, and urban environments. It normally seems to prefer more open situations and is often not too far from freshwater.
Script: Courtesy of Damon Ramsey BSc.(Zool) Biologist Guide Additional Peaceful Dove PhotosRETURN TO BIRD INDEX