CURTAIN FIG TREE - This world famous fig tree is of the species Ficus virens, it is a strangler fig tree.
- Located about 1 kilometre out of Yungaburra, this ancient tree is awesome in it’s size and grandeur.
- Directions to this fantastic tree are well sign-posted and the short drive well worth it.
- Plenty of car parking available.
- It is a 50 metre walk to view the tree.
- There are interpretative signs which describe how the Curtain Fig Tree grew and some additional interesting information.
- There is a continuous board walk around the tree and a section which creates good perspective for photo opportunities.
- Lumholtz Tree Kangaroos & Green Possums can sometimes be seen asleep in this area during daylight.
- After dark you can spotlight for Tree Kangaroos, Green Possums, Herbert River Possums and Coppery Brushtail Possums.
TWIN KAURI’S - These two magnificent trees are found 90m along a bituminised path originating from the car park of the Lake Barrine, Kiosk / Souvenir shop.
- The information about these trees is amazing.
- Their exact age has not been calculated but has been estimated at being in excess of 1000 years.
- The lake’s history has been studied by scientists and these studies have shown that these two trees are the ancestors of Conifer Forest which dominated this area of Queensland prior to the current rainforest. This ancient forest covered these parts over 100 million years ago.
- There are more fascinating facts about these two trees at Lake Barrine.
How to get There: - From The Chamber’s, follow the road past Lake Eacham.
- At the junction of the two roads, one leads to Yungaburra and Atherton and the other is unmarked.
- Both of these roads lead to the Gillies Highway which will take you to the turn off to Lake Barrine and the Twin Kauri’s.
GIANT RED CEDAR - The Red Cedar is an important tree in the history of Australia.
- Affectionately known by the Australian settlers as ‘Red Gold’, this tree was the pulling motivational factor that caused the settlement of much of the coastal and hinterland areas of the country.
- This is the largest accessible Red Cedar Tree remaining in north Queensland and possibly Australia.
- A majestic tree, it is well worth the short drive from The Chamber’s to view this awesome specimen that is considered a soul survivor of a time long gone, when these Red Giants dominated the forests of the Atherton tableland.
CATHEDRAL FIG TREE - The Cathedral Fig Tree is located about 5 km from the Gillies Highway on the Danbulla State Forest Drive.
- It is the same species of tree as the Curtain Fig Tree (Ficus virens), but through different growing pressure has evolved to display a different habit of the commonly called strangler fig.
- Many species of animal can be seen seeking shelter in and around the Cathedral Fig Tree including:
Papuan Frog Mouth, Rose-crowned Fruit Dove, Emerald Fruit Dove, Pale-yellow and Grey-headed Robin, Orange-footed Scrubfowl, many species of reptile, Possums and Tree Kangaroo. |