Yellow-Bellied Sunbird
 Photo: Courtesy of Naturalist Guide Damon Ramsey
YELLOW-BELLIED SUNBIRD: Nectarinia jugularis (Also called Olive-backed Sunbird) Long, slender curved black bill Call is a high pitched 'dzit-dzit'; hissing whistle Found in rainforest edges, mangroves and gardens Feeds on the native ginger (Alpinia spp.)
Additional Information: Courtesy of Damon Ramsey Sunbirds are the African and Asian equivalent of the Australian 'Honeyeaters' and American hummingbird. This species has reached Australia. It is more often found on the edge of the rainforest, frequently building nests around human habitation, such as on the outside of lodge porches in the Daintree region.
Script: Courtesy of Damon Ramsey BSc.(Zool) Biologist Guide Additional Yellow Bellied Sunbird Photos RETURN TO BIRD INDEX