Photo: C & D Frith Australian Tropical Birds

BLUE-WINGED KOOKABURRA Dacelo leachii 43 cm Identifying characteristcs: - Has a large, cream-white head that is streaked brown.
- It has a brown back and its wings are mostly blue.
- The rump and tail are also blue on the male, but the female has a reddish-brown barred tail.
- Differences from Laughing Kookaburra are: blue rump, cream-white head and light eye colour.
Distribution and Habitat: In Australia the Blue-winged Kookaburra is distributed widely in tropical and subtropical eucalypt woodlands. It lives in eucalypt forests and paperbark swamps.
Diet: Live on a wide variety of prey including snakes, lizards, large insects, small mammals, frogs and the odd small bird.
Additional Information: This species differs from the better known 'Laughing Kookaburra' in having a relatively bigger, more streaked head, and much more prettier blue areas on the wing. The call is not as much a rolling laugh, but a loud, screaming cackle. It essentially lives in the woodlands across the tropical top of Australia, extending down the east coast into north-eastern N.S.W.
Script courtesy of Naturalist Guide Damon Ramsey Additional Blue-winged Kookaburra photo RETURN TO BIRD INDEX